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As Bansky in his last 'Opus', I don't accept !
No Faith in Europe, no more
J'aurais pu illustrer ce billet d'humeur d'une photo toute jaune ou toute rouge, Ce n'est en fait qu'une question régionale. Il n'en demeure pas moins que la colère gronde en Europe de l'Ouest, la crise du COVID-19 mettant en évidence l'incompétence pour le
New York’s Calling!
No words are strong enough to express Outrage and Rage just watching jeopardy our friends in US are left in... [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ny6hwUOFvlw[/embedyt]
Already three Years
We have this special thing, as men, to do things in our life, knowing for sure that it is a mistake. However we move it ahead and regrets are not helping in any way. This happened to me when I left Malaysia with my boy, rewinding life to Europe. I cannot sa
Sois sage, ô ma Douleur, et tiens-toi plus tranquille. Tu réclamais le Soir; il descend; le voici: Une atmosphère obscure enveloppe la ville, Aux uns portant la paix, aux autres le souci. Pendant que des mortels la multitude vile, Sous le f
I hate Christmas
Seasons Holidays has always been time of sadness for me. One more year I will pass this period alone with no taste for celebration. I took me years of introspection to understand reasons for 'Seasons Grievings'.. You called me 'Boomer', the boom is
‘L’Homme et la Mer’
When winter comes, I always feel missing Noordzee. Is it childhood or something else? I saw many seas and oceans, this one is strorming in my heart.; so close to verses of Charles Baudelaire with whom I share so many feelings. Here from Les Fleurs du mal (Fl
Story Tellers… REM
Some artists tell your own story. REM often tells mine. 'Crush with an eyeliner' and this one mostly. https://youtu.be/4cdZQ41rGAg
Money Heist Statement of Accounts
Morning , happy tax payers! I prepared this, so much what it said here, matches what I keep repeating in void for years. « Professor » targets here European Central Bank...small players compared to what the « FED » is doing everyday. Western Economie