I always follow my instinct. In this case, I don't know where it will end up but one thing is sure, the lawyer has to be neutralized. Any help? I am ready. [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiRVsZzccz0[/embedyt]
Neil Young : the greatest!
Awaiting for tomorrow...Cinnamon Girl... [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2QDbrGb-0c[/embedyt]
Pride of Turkey
29th of October is Turkish National Day. Time to remember that our "selective" way to write History, put shadow on magnifiscence and brightness of Ottoman Civilization. Not only on Islam, Culture and Science; also on movement to build a modern and fair World.
Aid M’brouk
To my brothers and Sisters, to those I love and to my Baby Mohamed! May this be the last one in loneliness and separation , Inch Allah
[caption id="attachment_915" align="alignleft" width="716"] Happy Birthday, brother Shaggy[/caption]
Caesar pontem fecit
For long I wanted to illuminate Rama IX Bridge... so strongly. I t seems to be the time for King's Birthday. I see this bridge everyday...through my window.I am telling you..everybody will see it!
King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand Birthday
5th of December is every year occasion of Celebrations in Thailand: It is the birthday of their beloved King Bhumibol. I moved here two years ago with intention to bring some of my artefacts on this. May be this year..I will let you know
Highway 1
This morning, I received a Tweet form Sonic Youth, so amazed with this new Music Video of Neil with Crazy Horse. What a shock ...summary of a life, same feelings, same sadness..same road, I drove this road. I was listening Harvest from Neil, some years ago
She is definitely a revoultionnary We born same year..Baby boomers. Rebels and players [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fT3L7P06nBo[/embedyt]
Another sunset in Terengganu. Sunset on difficult times, tomorrow is another day. Another day full of hopes.