I like sensation to have this kind of cat as neighbor. Crossing country back and forward I stare at Jungle (which is another mysterious gift from God) and I think about these tigers..Such a Nobility
Thank you, Madam Mayor of Paris
Who killed Bambi?
Quite before Storm
"Le silence emplit ma maison. De la pièce d'angle où je passe la plupart des heures du jour, je découvre les lointains dans la direction du couchant, puis les hauteurs du versant opposé. D'un point élevé du jardin, j'embrasse les fonds sauvages où la forÃ
Gimme Shelter
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kl6q_9qZOs[/embedyt] Oh, a storm is threat'ning My very life today If I don't get some shelter Oh yeah, I'm gonna fade away War, children, it's just a shot away It's just a shot away War, children, it's just
[caption id="attachment_2714" align="aligncenter" width="587"] Basement 5 "The Last White Chritmas"[/caption] [audio mp3="http://www.panhuys.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Basement-5-Last-White-Christmas-Peel-Session-1980.mp3"][/audio]
As wicked as it seems
I like to remember meeting Keith Richards in Eurostar. Sitting in first class restaurant, he was there, cross the table. Fast train for one time too fast. 2 Hours chat. To say I was a fan and still I am is not correct. We share with a few others (John Lydon)
The Prince
[caption id="attachment_2686" align="alignleft" width="624"]  Niccolò Machiavelli[/caption] Mastermind ! "No enterprise is more likely to succeed than one concealed from the enemy until it is ripe for execution. Nothing is of greater importance in time
You guys cannot understand where we are coming from. A battlefield for freedom with no ideology seeded in northern fogs You guys just remember a few gimmicks aka 'No Future" You guys used our path for your dis-gracious deviations You maniac zombies did not u