[flowplayer id="4940"] "Better days will never be Better days will never be Better days will never be Now what does this mean It means we get the best scenes When politics talk, the ends of power meet Nice to be wanted, safe and protected The ends of p
Author: Olivier Panhuys
I am sorry…
[flowplayer id="4922"]
1983...Saint-Etienne France...Great job, friends like family...Miss S. I was all about Theater and Rock and Roll. In smoke of a small cafe, warm friends and Noir Desir and Bertrand Cantat. This song.. "Toujours etre Ailleurs" , always with me for more th
“ He was young. he was so damn young. he was so god damned. Drunk with the Blood of Baby dolls. Mad laughter. power. running neck and neck with his vision was his demon. Sooner Stick his dick up the baby dolls ass. Shove pins in the heads of innocents. Bad
Works in Siam
I recently published on Linkedin this nice picture of works I have made on Day Spa in Bangkok. It received this comment from Khun Grist Skaoratanayothin: "Even this work was smaller when compare to other in your portfolio hereof,
How we rehearse our dreams…
Howard Devoto remains essential to me. His poetry like honey in acid music of Magazine keep aside my way almost everyday. Some who know me have always been surprized by this, this priviledge of Artists to find a way to your heart and mind,
Job done!
It has been a couple of months I started revamping my Blog/Website. Adding last week video telling the story of "Panhuys" it completes a journey back in the past, back in my past. I will not touch it anymore and concentrate now on edition of my personal news
I knew Charlotte a child, blessed daughter of father and mother disurptive artists.Sheis a great actress,fragile as crystal glass on edge of the counter. Her Expression is the one of my Generation making me feel this kind of intimacy with my own contradictions.
Truly Asia
I remember as a kid, having been amazed by Comic books of Buck Danny, as WWII and post war american pilot. Malaysian Tigers was one of my favourite, feeling Jungle not as hostile environment but at very contrary bringing peace in heart. Living now in sands of Ar
“Winter Pleasures”
I travelled and lived in so many wonderful places in the World. In December, there is only one place where I want to stay: Brussels. No doubt that our ancient heritage gives Winter a delightful taste. It is all about food and sharing with neighborho