I am keeping happy to see young guys who raise the black flag of revolt against this cynical way this world is handled. Business, wars, pride? My head is full I just don't accept the way it is.. I keep thinking and keep hope in Youth! [embedyt] https://www.
Author: Olivier Panhuys
Reise, Reise Seemann Reise
"Reise, Reise Seemann Reise Und die Wellen weinen leise In ihrem Blute steckt ein Speer Bluten leise in das Meer" [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91PBpHfhm9M[/embedyt]
Mother’s tears
....when she sees how you did with the world she left for you [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uUFfJkZ0z4[/embedyt]
B Boomers
This is our fate, we born at Golden Age. What happened? What did we do wrong? We spend hours on "Social" pipes to mourn about this cause or another. But what did we do for keeping this sweetness to our children? Smokes, blood and ashes, we just let it be, th
I am the chairman of the bored
Some days like that..things are not clicking. Then I listen to Howard then my minds goes floating at the edge of abnormality. This is where I belong, and where I feel comfortable [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geXphiKrwII[/embedyt]
Siamese Dreams…
I spent 2 years in Siam. Not what you could think, 2 years with Thai and Lao people, living with them, sharing spicy life. When I listen to this song, I jump 2 steps back to these days... The moving balads of Siriporn Umpaipong, the Issan Div
Malaysia truly Asia
I like sensation to have this kind of cat as neighbor. Crossing country back and forward I stare at Jungle (which is another mysterious gift from God) and I think about these tigers..Such a Nobility
Thank you, Madam Mayor of Paris
Who killed Bambi?
Quite before Storm
"Le silence emplit ma maison. De la pièce d'angle où je passe la plupart des heures du jour, je découvre les lointains dans la direction du couchant, puis les hauteurs du versant opposé. D'un point élevé du jardin, j'embrasse les fonds sauvages où la forÃ